TRIUMF logo TRIUMF Annual Report
Scientific Activities 2002

Submission Guidelines

* Submission Deadlines *

Science Division
Other Divisions

Submission Instructions

The annual report will be produced using LaTeX2e and figures will be included as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.

Please do the following:

  1. Download, print out, read and follow the instructions available in PDF (153 KB) or PostScript (416 KB) formats.

  2. Download the skeleton LaTeX file ann_rep_skeleton.tex which should be used for all contributions.

  3. If you are submitting figures, please study the figure post-mortems for the 1998-2001 Annual Reports, especially if you submitted figures to them.

  4. If the original version of a figure or photograph was a bitmap image, please submit the original JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, etc. file as well as the EPS version.

  5. Please ensure that you include:
    • a list of all journal and conference publications which were published, in press, or submitted during 2002;
    • a list of all theses awarded in association with the work during 2002;
    • Science division experiment contributions should list the names and affiliations of all people presently associated with the experiment and the present status of the experiment. The information will be used to update Appendix D and Appendix E.

  6. Write your contribution and submit as instructed, along with a hard copy.

Other Resources

ann_rep_skeleton.tex skeleton LaTeX file which should be used for all contributions. ann_rep_instructions.tex LaTeX file used to produce the instructions document, use as a more detailed guide. Figure Post-Mortems for the 1998-2001 Annual Reports.

TRIUMF Annual Report Scientific Activities 2001 in both Portable Document Format and PostScript file formats for browsing or downloading.

TRIUMF Annual Report Scientific Activities Home Page

TRIUMF Home Page

Instructions for Division Secretaries

Report Sections and Coordinators

For further assistance please contact:

TRIUMF Publications Office

Lorraine King - Thursdays and Fridays (09:30-14:00), and Saturdays
(January to March only)
Jana Thomson - Wednesdays and Thursdays


Phone: 604-222-7427
FAX: 604-222-1074

Last modified: Thu Jan 16 10:47:37 PST 2003 by Martin Comyn

Visitors since 16-DEC-2002