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Nobel Laureate Gives Saturday Morning Lecture

18 February 2008


UBC Professor Carl Wieman, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Physics, held his audience in rapt attention during the February 8th Saturday Morning Lecture. The capacity crowd of around 95 students and adults listened to Prof. Wieman first explain the basic physics behind his research, and then go on to explain the details of his Nobel prize-winning effort to create the first Bose-Einstein condensate. Throughout the talk, the audience was asked for feedback to test their understanding of the physics discussed.

Professor Wieman began his lecture with a one hour “Introduction to quantum mechanics,” where he outlined the basic principles required to understand his research into Bose-Einstein condensation. Several times during this part of the presentation, the audience was asked a multiple-choice question to test their understanding of the concepts covered, answering using wireless ‘clicker’ technology. Prof. Wieman's system collected the results automatically and presented them on the screen. The audience found this process very helpful.

After a brief refreshment break, Prof. Wieman presented his work on Bose-Einstein condensation, always referring back to the ideas discussed in the first half. The audience was clearly enraptured by the Nobel Prize winner, with many staying for more than an hour afterwards as Prof. Wieman graciously fielded all questions.

by Marcello Pavan
TRIUMF's Outreach Coordinator

For more information on the lecture topics and how to register, visit the Saturday Morning Lecture Series page.