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Charter & Bylaws

Glossary of Terms

AGM – Annual General Meeting
TRIUMF – Canada’s particle accelerator centre
TUG – TRIUMF Users’ Group
TUEC – TRIUMF Users’ Executive Committee
Users – Members of TUG

Charter and By-laws of the TRIUMF Users' Group

[Including amendments approved by the membership in August 2020]

The TRIUMF Users' Group (TUG) is an organization whose members (Users) have a special interest in the use of TRIUMF’s facilities for the purpose of conducting research, developing technology, utilizing resources (e.g., equipment) or interacting with personnel. The purpose of TUG is to represent the Users’ needs, which includes, but is not limited to:

   a) Advocating for the needs of the User comunity with TRIUMF management;

   b) Facilitating discussion amongst Users about matters of collective interest;

   c) Providing a means for exchange of information between the Users and TRIUMF management pertaining to the operation and strategic direction of TRIUMF.

TUG is represented by a Users’ Executive Committee (TUEC) as provided in Article III.



TUG membership is open to everyone with a special interest in the use of TRIUMF’s facilities for the purpose of conducting research, developing technology or working with TRIUMF’s resources (personnel or equipment).

A TUG membership list will be maintained by TUEC. Users can request to be added or removed from the TUG membership list at any time. To remain active in TUG, Users will be asked every three years if they wish to continue their membership.


Section 1 – Place of Meeting

TUG meetings shall be held at a place and in a format designated by TUEC or by a quorum (as provided in Section 5) of the membership with notice given as provided.

Section 2 - Annual General Meeting

An annual general meeting (AGM) shall be held in each calendar year. At least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the AGM, each member shall be notified of the meeting time, place, and format. The AGM agenda, containing the matters to come before the membership so far as known, shall be communicated to the membership at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting. In the absence of any objection from the floor, the Chair (or designate) may vary the order of business at their discretion.

Section 3 - Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Users may be called at any time by the Chair, or by a majority of TUEC, or by at least 15% of the TUG membership.

The method by which such a meeting may be called is to submit a written request to the Chair that describes the reason for calling a special meeting. If this request is approved by the Chair, or by a majority of TUEC, TUEC shall communicate the time, place, format and agenda of the special meeting to all Users.

This notice must be communicated at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the special meeting. Only business mentioned in the notice shall be transacted at such a meeting.

Section 4 - Authority for Notices

All notices required to be given by any provision of these by-laws shall state the authority pursuant to which they are issued (e.g. "by the Chair" or "by order of TUEC" or "by order of the membership", as the case may be).

Section 5 - Quorum at Meetings

For matters entailing a vote, a quorum is required. At least 60 Users or 15% of the membership, whichever is the lesser number, present in person, virtually, or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1 - Number and Term of the Users' Executive Committee

The business and affairs of TUG shall be managed by the TRIUMF Users’ Executive Committee (TUEC). TUEC will consist of seven (7) members that are elected by the TUG membership: A Chair, a Chair Elect, a Past Chair, and four (4) representatives. In addition, there shall be a Liaison Officer (ex-officio) appointed by TUEC.

The Chair and Chair Elect shall not be from the same primary institution.

Normally, the Chair Elect will serve a three-year (3) term. They will assume the office of Chair at the end of their first year, and assume the office of Past Chair the year after.

The four (4) elected representatives shall serve staggered terms of two (2) years. Two (2) shall be elected to commence their two-year terms in odd-numbered years, and two (2) shall be elected to commence their terms during even-numbered years.

All terms of office begin January 1st in the year immediately following the election.

Section 2 - Designation and Duties

TUEC meetings shall be held at least four (4) times per year at a place and in a format determined by consensus of TUEC members. Whenever practical, notice of the time and agenda of TUEC meetings shall be communicated to the membership. Minutes of the meeting will be distributed to the members within fourteen (14) days following the meeting.

TUEC shall be representative of the TUG membership as a whole. Each member is to be regarded as a member at large. The diversity of TUEC members is expected to reflect the diversity of the membership it serves. Users are strongly encouraged to provide frequent input to any members of TUEC so that action can be taken on the Users’ behalf.

TUEC shall act as a liaison between TUG membership and TRIUMF management. In this regard, following each meeting, TUEC may draft a memorandum to the TRIUMF Director (or designate) and/or to the relevant TRIUMF committees having advisory functions that affect the utilization of the TRIUMF facilities by Users, in order that the deliberations and policy recommendations of TUEC may be brought before these bodies in a direct and constructive manner. Such memoranda are to be included in the TUEC meeting minutes.

TUEC may survey its members to gauge whether its recommendations accurately reflect the wishes of the majority of the Users. Surveying may also be requested by the TRIUMF Director (or designate) and/or appropriate TRIUMF committee and/or by a quorum of the TUG membership.

Section 3 - Power to Appoint Officers and Agents

TUEC shall have the power to appoint officers and agents as they deem necessary. Such appointed officers and agents may be removed by TUEC whenever, in the judgment of the executive, the best interests of the TUG will be served thereby.

At the first TUEC meeting of each calendar year, the Executive will either: confirm the continuation of the previous year’s non-voting Liaison Officer; or, appoint their replacement from among existing TUG membership.

Users, through TUEC, may submit to the TRIUMF Director Users' names for placement on relevant TRIUMF committees having advisory functions affecting utilization of the TRIUMF facilities by Users. Such placement shall be at the discretion of the TRIUMF Director.

Section 4 - Voting Rules and Quorum

In those deliberations calling for a vote, each elected member of TUEC is accorded one vote. The Liaison Officer will be a full party to any discussion but is not eligible to vote.

At least four voting members of TUEC shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5 - Power to Fill Vacancies

TUEC shall have the power to fill any vacancy in any existing office. In the event that a post of the TUEC’s Executive (other than that of past Chair) should be vacated during the Executive's term in office, the remaining TUEC members shall appoint a TUG member to fill the unexpired term.

If the position of Chair should become vacant before the annual election, then the Chair Elect shall automatically assume Chair for the remainder of the year. Whenever the position of Chair Elect becomes vacant and is then filled by appointment, the position of Chair for the following year must be filled during the normal election.

Section 6 - Delegation of Powers

For any reason deemed sufficient by TUEC, whether occasioned by absence or otherwise, the Executive may delegate any or all powers and duties of any elected Officer to any other elected Officer.

Section 7 - Power to Appoint Committees

TUEC may wish to appoint committees from among the membership, including the members of the executive, and confer duties and powers on such committees and revoke such powers and terminate the existence of such committees as required. It may also terminate, at its sole discretion, the term of individual members of such committees.


Section 1 - Definition

The Officers of TUEC shall consist of the Chair, the Chair Elect, the Past Chair and the Liaison Officer.

Section 2 - Duties of Officers

Chair – The Chair shall preside at all meetings of TUG and of TUEC. The Chair shall enforce due observance of the Charter and By-laws. They shall perform duties as directed by TUG or TUEC, or as this office may require. The Chair will be an ex officio member of all committees in which they are not an appointed or elected member. The Chair shall succeed to the role of Past Chair at the end of one year. 

Chair Elect – In the absence of the Chair, the Chair Elect shall perform the duties of Chair. Otherwise the Chair Elect will provide assistance in conducting the affairs of TUG and TUEC as requested by the Chair. The Chair Elect shall succeed to the office of Chair at the end of one year.  

Past Chair – The Past Chair will provide assistance in conducting the affairs of TUG and TUEC as requested by the Chair. At the conclusion of their 1-year term, the Past Chair will cease to be a member of TUEC.

Liaison Officer – The Liaison Officer will provide the primary communication link between TRIUMF management and TUEC. They will keep TUEC apprised of new developments at TRIUMF that are of potential interest or relevant to TUG members. At the request of the Chair, the Liaison Officer may also assist with the proper functioning of TUEC. The Liaison Officer is a non-voting member of TUEC.


Section 1 - Voting Rules

Each User present at any TUG meeting is entitled to vote and is allowed one vote on any issue. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Voting will generally be by show of hands (in-person or in-person remote) but may also be accomplished by secret ballot at the discretion of the Chair. In such cases, two TUEC members shall be designated scrutineers, and the results of secret-ballot voting shall be announced during the meeting. A majority will constitute a passed vote.

Section 2 - Nominations

Prior to September 30 of each year, TUEC shall seek nominations, using appropriate and democratic procedures to ensure all Users' suggestions are received, for persons willing to stand for election to TUEC the following year.

As described in Article III Section 1, nominees for the position of Chair Elect shall not have the same primary institutional affiliation as the current Chair Elect.

A nominee shall not stand for more than one position in a single election. However, the positions of the two (2) representatives elected each year are identical, and for their election, each User shall be entitled to vote on one ballot for any two (2) nominees.

Section 3 - Election of TUEC members

A ballot containing the names of all nominees and the positions they are seeking through election shall be prepared by TUEC and communicated to TUG membership not later than one (1) month prior to the closing date of the election. The closing date of the election and instructions for voting shall be clearly specified on the ballot.

Ballots must be returned by the specified deadline with no exceptions.

At least 60 ballots, or ballots received from 15% of TUG membership, whichever is the lesser number, is required to guarantee the successful election. Should the number of ballots received be less than the above stipulated minimum, re-opening of nominations and a call for new elections will be required.

The Chair and one other Executive so designated by TUEC will count the votes from the ballots received. The nominee for Chair Elect with the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. The two nominees for representative positions with the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.

The results of the election shall be announced by the Chair within seven (7) days following the closing date of the election.

In the event of a tie in the vote for Chair Elect, those candidates tied for first place will be invited to stand in a new election or withdraw. In the event of a tie in the vote for the two representative positions (either a three-way or greater tie for the highest number of votes, or a two-way or greater tie for the second highest number of votes), those candidates involved in the tie will be invited to stand in a new election or withdraw. If such a tie cannot be resolved amicably through voluntary withdrawal, a new election for the specific positions and nominees affected by the tie will be called. The new election shall be called within one (1) month after the original election and will be conducted in a manner similar to the original election. In the event that the second election also results in a tie, and no amicable solution can be found, the result will be decided by a coin-toss (or equivalent procedure).

Section 5 – Survey of Members

If TUEC wishes to sample the opinion of the TUG membership, a survey shall be sent to each TUG member. The deadline for the completion shall be stated clearly upon notification, but normally the time sequence outlined in Section 4 shall be followed. The survey results will be communicated to membership as soon as possible but no later than seven (7) days after they are known.


Section 1 - Amendments - How Effected

These by-laws may be amended at any time by a vote of the Users. A proposed amendment may be introduced by TUEC or by any User through a written request to the Chair. The vote on the proposed changes will be taken either at the AGM or by ballot (pursuant to Article V, Section 2). The vote must be taken within one (1) month from the time the amendment was introduced. A two-thirds majority of the Users participating in the vote is required to pass the amendment.

The amended version of the Charter and By-laws will be distributed to the TUG membership within seven (7) days after the vote to pass the amendment(s).

Version History

V1 (August 2020) – Update (first since 1997) to reflect modern practices and language