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The TRIUMF brand typeface is Helvetica Neue.

Last update Septemeber 13, 2019

(Licenced Helvetica Neue LT Pro)

TRIUMF uses Helvetica Neue 55 Roman for display and body type, Helvetica Neue 75 Bold for bold headings, and Helvetica Neue 56 Italics for captions, quotes, or aside typography.

The font package is available in Docushare as TRIUMF_Fonts. Please open the folder and double click on each font. You should download at least Helvetica Neue 55 RomanHelvetica Neue 75 Bold, and Helvetica Neue 56 Italics. All you need to be able to download the font is the Administrator password of your computer, enter it when promted.

When access to the TRIUMF fonts is not possible, the brand allows the use of Arial. Please follow the same pattern for hierarchy: Arial Regular for display and body, Arial Bold for headings and Arial Italic for captions and quotes.

Wef Fonts

Follow these links to the CSS codes for:

Helvetica Neue Bold

Helvetica Neue Regular

Helvetica Neue Light Italic