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PHoton for Astroparticle Physics and Applied Research (PHAAR) Research Group

PHAAR (PHoton for Astroparticle Physics and Applied Research)

The TRIUMF PHAAR (PHoton for Astroparticle Physics and Applied Research) group is developing light sensing and readout solutions for the next generation of experiments searching for Dark Matter interactions and investigating neutrino properties. The PHAAR group is led by Senior Research Scientist, Fabrice Retiere.

Prospective Students:

Our work is ideally suited for students interested in working in an experimental research setting. Whether you are interested in silicon sensor development, analog or digital electronics, mechanical engineering including cryogenic systems or even system engineering, we have a challenge for you. We believe that the single-photon detection technology that we are developing is poised to provide solutions for addressing key issues facing our society such as global warming. We seek students interested in digging into our technical solution portfolio to identify possible gems that could be turned into industrial success. For example, we are currently pursuing a “Single Photon Air Analyser” concept whose primary aim is to help firefighters manage wildfires. This project would greatly benefit from having a student develop its business case. Overall, we wish to attract students interested in being integrated into a diverse team, whose aim is to address key scientific questions and societal issues through the development of cutting-edge technologies.