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TRIUMF Recruiting Passionate Speakers

20 April 2012

TRIUMF is currently in the process of organizing a TEDx public speaking event and we would like to invite TRIUMF research scientists/post docs/grad students from all disciplines to try-out for one of the six open slots. Please use this guide to determine whether you are interested in participating.


Do I need to be comfortable speaking in front of people?

No, but you do need to want to communicate in front of a large group of people. There will be multiple opportunities to refine your public speaking technique to become a comfortable and confident communicator.

How many people will be accepted?


How will the six speakers be chosen?

Speakers will be chosen based on the cohesion of topics (i.e. six topics that work well together), so bring a few ideas that you can speak passionately about.

When is the application deadline?

Wednesday, April 25 2012

When will the event be held?

Tentatively, the event will be held for a four-hour block on a Saturday afternoon, in the latter half of June.

What will the interview process be like?

The interview will be an informal 20-minute discussion, to be held either in our office, your office, or the hot spot café.

How long would my talk be?

Short: 10-12 minutes. 

I would like to speak, but I don’t know where to start.

The themes underpinning the event serve as a jumping off point for a number of unique and interesting topics. We suggest considering these and moving forward from there:

1.The importance of fundamental science research

2.What do you talk about when you talk about physics?

How do I sign up?

Contact, with a 20-minute time-slot before Wednesday, April 25 that we can meet with you.

Who can I contact if I have any further questions?

Please direct all questions to


--Written by Jordan Pitcher (Communications Assistant)