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Photo credit: Thom Quine

TRIUMF in the News



Ewart volunteers at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games Dr. Ewart Blackmore, TRIUMF original (so says Kate) and hockey fan, volunteered as an Olympic Field of Play supervisor at the UBC Thunderbird Arena during the games.  Click here for the full story.

Getting Around

Jessica Gregg wins silver for Canada Jessica Gregg (Erich Vogt's grand-niece) and her team won a silver medal for Canada in the 3000 m speed skating relay.  She competed in three short-track Olympic events.  Congratulations Jessica! 


Olympic mittens
 Kallol Mitra, son of Amiya Mitra, was a performer in the Vancouver 2010 Opening Ceremonies.  Kallol is a UBC graduate, with a major in computer engineering.  He worked at TRIUMF as a co-op student for two terms as an undergraduate.


Anna Ruth and part of her art installation, "Sensory Maps of Vancouver"
 Anna Ruth, daughter of Tom Ruth, presents her project, Sensory Maps of Vancouver, as part of Vancouver's Olympic and Paralympic Public Art Program.  Keep an eye out for her artwork, which is on display on bus shelters all around Vancouver.

Other Resources

 TRIUMF's Elaine Campbell took part in history through her exciting role as an Olympic torchbearer when the flame came to Delta, Vancouver.  Click here for the full story.
A Time to Dance
 Look for "A Time to Dance", a dance troupe performing outside various Olympic and Paralympic venues throughout the Winter Games.  Susan Pike's niece, Rachel, is a member of the group, and will be taking part in several performances this month.


Taking part in the Olympic spirit? Send us your photo from the event and we will display them here!  Take a picture of yourself with the TRIUMF logo at an Olympic event and send it here.