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Message from Neighbourhood Association

Marshmallow Molecules, Periodic Tables and a Cloud Chamber

August 8, 2009: On the occasion of TRIUMF's 40th Anniversary

Jan Fialkowski
Executive Director, University Neighbourhoods Assoication

Greetings to you all, and best wishes from the University Neighbourhoods Association to our neighbours at TRIUMF on your 40th anniversary!  The University Neighbourhoods Association - the UNA - a quasi municipality of 5 neighbourhoods  - is a lovely experiment created by UBC that will eventually see 15,000 people living smack dab in the middle of the academic lands of the university. Right now we are about 6000 residents. Some of our residents/neighbours work for UBC as faculty, as staff.  Some of our neighbours work here at TRIUMF. Some have chosen to retire here and some have chosen to go to school here. Some of our neighbours have been lured only by the call of the eagles in the trees and smell of the sea that surrounds us. There are also over 1500 who have had no choice in the matter what so ever - our children - born here or brought here from close by or from away.

I bring props today as part of my greetings - my bag of marshmallows and my periodic table! The cloud chamber that I find so mesmerizing is over there. And if you haven't experienced it yet, I urge you to go find it. It's such a treat!

The UNA talks about neighbours and community all the time. One of our favourite neighbours is TRIUMF! Like all good neighbours, when a new family moves into the community, TRIUMF came calling to our house when the UNA moved in. And like good neighbours welcoming new friends, they brought gifts. Not a bottle wine or a casserole, but Nigel brought over the promise of marshmallow molecules and a periodic table, and a cloud chamber.

As the UNA neighbourhoods grow, TRIUMF is playing a big part in contributing to our unique community. We can boast of internationally acclaimed scientists that come to our community centre to make molecules out of marshmallows for our children. And to inspire a 10 year old to make sure his little sister has her own periodic table!  Or - to my utter delight - transport a cloud chamber half way across campus to illustrate gamma rays falling out of the sky!

In the next few months our good neighbours, the men and women of TRIUMF, are sharing their magic with us again. The UNA and TRIUMF have plans to inspire! Who knows - those children who take home a water molecule - that looks very much a snack - may one day say "I can pinpoint my science career to an afternoon at the community centre where these guys from TRIUMF opened my eyes to an amazing world!".  The UNA looks forward to a long and lasting relationship with our TRIUMF neighbours.

I bring congratulations to you on your first 40 years and the UNA's very, very  best wishes for the next 40 years.  We've lucked out with these neighbours!  Thank you.