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Annual General Meeting | November 30, 2004


To: Roman Ruegg PSRC Chair 

Date: Dec. 02, 2004 

From: Curtis Ballard File: 2004 AGM

Re: TRIUMF P&S AGM 12:30 pm November 30, 2004

Present were: Guest Speaker – Jim Hanlon, members of PSRC Executive and members


First on the agenda was Jim Hanlon’s presentation and the members were encouraged to ask questions. The purpose was to inform P&S members of the issues that HR was working on. 

Highlights included:

Performance Reviews

  • PPR forms distributed to supervisors in December.
  • Third party input is important.
  • Used for career progress and advancement.
  • It is important for supervisors to notify HR and the Division Head if an employee is eligible for reclassification. There will be a notation (in bold) on the PPR form for supervisors.

Merit Increases

  • Merit increases recognize leadership and exceptional contribution.
  • Based upon PPRs, employee classification and years of service at the position.
  • A comparison is done with employees in a similar position.
  • Intended to reflect a history of long-term contribution.


  • Supervisor initiates the process by recommending employee for reclassification.
  • List is reviewed by Division Head
  • A sub-committee reviews the recommendations.
  • HR attempt to make the process run smoothly and fairly for all employees.
  • It is important for the supervisor to let the Division Heads and HR in writing of their recommendation for reclassification.


TRIUMF has instituted a paid sick time policy that covers salary for six months or until income replacement or EI. With the savings of this plan, TRIUMF was able to cover eye exams and flu shots. There is also banked sick leave for term employees.


Management requests help from the Liaison Committee to organize an alumni data base as HR cannot give out personal information regarding employees. Some benefits for TRIUMF Alumni would include a health plan administered by TRIUMF, a newsletter, a UBC library card and access to TRIUMF events and website. HR has created a Research Emeritus category.


The Director favours Evolution over Revolution. Input is needed from Division Heads and Group leaders.

A question was raised regarding how information would be gathered for a reorganization of TRIUMF. There was concerns that the input would be gathered “behind the scenes” rather than an open forum. Jim replied that the Management hasn’t made any decisions yet as they don’t really know what problems they want to solve yet by having reorganization and most of the effort recently has been in preparing the next “5 year plan”. The decision for Five-Year Plan is expected February 2005. 

Staff Retirement

Jim displayed a graph showing the number of expected retirees in the next ten years and commented that the number could be greater. Management wants to concentrate on training existing staff to fill in for the retiring staff, so TRIUMF will place an emphasis on training and succession planning.

HR Priorities

  • Succession Planning
  • Salary Analysis
  • Recruitment
  • Increase communications

Questions to Jim

Q: Is HR still working on families as opposed to grid?

A: HR has changed the classification for Surveyors and they are working on having a separate class for clerical workers. HR would like to establish families and job horizons for all employees, but this has not been a high priority. The grid system works and there isn’t the will to change it any time soon.

Q: Has there been any thought to a category between levels 3 and 4 on the grid. Many of the P&S staff will never meet the current criteria for a reclassification to level 4 and the number of employees that are approaching level 4 is increasing.

A: We have no plans for an intermediate level, however Management wants to recognize achievement especially in the maintenance and operation side of TRIUMF, so the criteria for a level 4 may change to reflect this.

End of Jim’s presentation

AGM called to order at 1:08 by the Chair Roman Ruegg. A motion was presented by Grant Sheffer to accept the minutes of the 2003 AGM and it was seconded by Dragon M.

There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously.

Overview and Discussion

  • Retirement and succession planning was covered by Jim. No further discussion.
  • There are privacy issues that the Liaison Committee can help with regarding Alumni.
  • On the reorganization of TRIUMF, management has not identified problems with existing organization, which makes it difficult to obtain information on how to improve the organization.
  • We need to review the reclassification criteria. For example, not everyone at TRIUMF has the opportunity to garner an “international reputation” in his or her field. It was suggested that the PSRC should recommend to management to review their goals for item “Review procedures for selecting candidates for reclassification”.
  • It was suggested that the PSRC write a letter to TRIUMF Management requesting that we be consulted for input into the “Reorganization of TRIUMF”.

Motion to amend the constitution

A motion was put forth by Anne Trudel to change the constitution regarding the selection of candidates for the PSRC executive committee and seconded by Roy Moore. The details of the changes were distributed to members prior to the AGM. The changes were shown on the screen for those who hadn’t read them. In summary, the changes allowed for 6 members-at-large to be elected each year at the AGM and a Chair. The Chair could also run for a member-at-large position if not elected as chair. The vice chair and secretary were to be chosen, internally by the executive committee from the members-at-large.

Discussion ensued regarding item 6.1. Motion to amend was made by Mike Mouat, seconded by Brian Evans:

The phrase “no later than Nov.1st” be changed to: “no less than 2 weeks prior to the AGM”. 

Motion was carried.

Motion to amend the constitution carried unanimously.

No other business.

Nominations for Election:

Chair: Brian Evans, Roman Ruegg

Members at large: Stu Austin, Curtis Ballard, John Drozdoff, Andy Hurst, Phil Jones, Juan Pon, Anne Trudel

Nominations closed. Election will take place in early December.

Motion to adjourn : seconded, carried.