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Executive Meeting | January 31, 2011

PSRC Meeting

Present: Stu Austen (Chair), Curtis Ballard, Jennifer Kaban, Niki Martin, Mike Mouat, Brenda Morrey, Colin Morton, and Doug Preddy

Absent:John Drozdoff


1. Approval and Posting of Minutes

November 3rd minutes were approved to post.


2.General – Business Arising

There was a discussion regarding the tendering of business contracts. It would be worthwhile to bring up with Jim Hanlon. Brenda Morrey will look into the current process and report at the next regular meeting. We will have a discussion regarding the appropriate use of contractors and the procedures that should be in place.

The topic of succession planning was brought up. Niki Martin reported that the succession planning committee is meeting on a (somewhat) regular basis. The committee wonders whether there a natural progression for people who are leaving? It would be worthwhile to ask Jim Hanlon to report on this topic.

The topic of retirement gifts was discussed. Some people are not being recognized with a gift when they leave. Some people are receiving their gifts from their groups. We know that there was a formula for how much to spend on retirement gifts ($30 per year and $5 a year after 20 years?). Some people have approached the PSRC about some people slipping by without any acknowledgement. Some feel that TRIUMF should recognize them when they are retiring, even if they are coming back part-time. Perhaps we could ask Jim Hanlon about HR having a recommendation regarding guidance for people retiring.

It is evident that we should speak with Jim Hanlon about a number of things.

It would be helpful to know if the social club is getting any funds from TRIUMF still.

The question about how TARA is run and if they get funding was raised. Jennifer Kaban reported that TARA does not receive any funds from TRIUMF.

The topic of PPR’s was raised. Stu Austen reported that he had one person that was close to filing a grievance regarding their PPR bonus and step increase last year. The grievance was dealt with outside of HR and dealt directly with the supervisor. It was reported that the supervisors do not get notice regarding what step increase or bonus that their personnel receive. The 2010 PPR forms and 2011 Work Plans are now online. The issue regarding previous supervisors that are not involved with former personnel’s PPRs was raised (ie. a person switching jobs part way through the year). This isn’t addressed in the HR Policy and Procedures, perhaps it should be. The PPR forms have changed, are they better? The question of funding for performance-based increases for this year was brought up. Does management intend to address inflation (cost of living increases)? Reference can be made to Nigel Lockyer’s memo of March 30th, 2010. He indicated that the funding for cost of living and salary increases will be reassessed for the 2011-2012 year.

The topic of parking was raised. TRIUMF would like to keep control of the administration of the parking lot so we can upgrade our lot until it is up-to-snuff. Right now UBC is just trying to address their sustainability goals, hence paying for parking. Eventually it will be a cash-grab for them. Right now TRIUMF can’t ticket but we can tow. There’s a trade-off for what services we want with UBC administering the lot versus TRIUMF administrating it.

The PSRC AGM was tentatively set for February 17th at noon with coffee. We will not have anyone speaking from HR at this AGM.


3. AOB

We should approve back-logged minutes one/two meetings at a time, until we are caught up, for uploading them to the web.