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Executive Meeting | June 23, 2011

PSRC Meeting

June 23, 2011 at 11:00 in the MOB Conference Room

Present: Stu Austen (Chair), Jennifer Kaban, Niki Martin, Brenda Morrey, Mike Mouat, Colin Morton, and Doug Preddy
Advisors: Curtis Ballard and John Drozdoff

Approval and Posting of Minutes

May 19th minutes had a few grammatical mistakes and in regards to item 5, there was discussion whether the letters, correspondence should be posted, voted down, but can be requested.

March 3rd minutes are approved to be posted on the web. It was noted that the post-retirement policy is on the HR website.

January 31st minutes approved after a few grammatical mistakes.


We will call an AGM for July 14th. The main agenda item will be the election of the committee. The PSRC will ask for P&S Members for nominations of new members. Everyone currently on the PSRC should think about if they are willing to continue serving on the PSRC. We should invite Jim Hanlon to speak at the PSRC AGM. In the notice we should put Jim Hanlon on the agenda as (tentative).
General – Business Arising

The MOB Boardroom was discussed, it was noted that the chairs are weird, too bulky for the room. The brightness of the room is nice, the TV screen is too small, and the wheel should be put in between the pictures. These are general thoughts of the PSRC Members.

The overcapacity lift for the cranes for moving over head beams was discussed. Stu Austen had someone come to him saying that Work Safe BC will contact the representatives on the Rep Committees. For ARIEL they had to move the roof beams and they are 103 tonnes. Our crane can lift 100 tonnes. They have to go to Work Safe to get a variance to move them at once (two lifts). Work Safe will come back to the site. They want to hear from anyone that will be affected by the variance. Work Safe would also contact TAPC. They may not send a note to the rep committees. The lifts are not scheduled yet, we need the variance first. 23 roof beams, 20 of them are moveable. This lifts have been done during the day before. Not moving the bridge, north-south moving of the roof beams. There will be a full lock-out of the proton hall and last time there was a lock-out of the PHE except the mezzanine. It takes 7-8 people to do a single lift for approval from Work Safe. When the dates are set for the lifts, TRIUMF should send a memo about the lifts.
Mike Hauser’s termination was brought up and there was mention of ill feelings toward how the termination was handled, after 30 years with TRIUMF. This brought ill-feelings for job security. It is not uncommon for an employee to not receive notice and have a severance package. It was done after an uplifting meeting of the divisional All Hands Meeting and it made a lot of people upset. We should talk to Jim about how this was carried out. Roman Ruegg was his supervisor and wasn’t notified about the termination. The employee should have been given the courtesy of having a sit-down meeting and the supervisor should have been notified. This is not an appropriate way to treat a long-term employee under ordinary circumstances. If this is the process management is going to take in terminations, the PSRC should know about the process. This has been the standard approach for people being terminated. A while ago, there was much more support when people were terminated. The job that he was doing, it is felt, is needed. It sets a certain tone. Retirement lunch recently for someone that was at TRIUMF for 37 years and there was nobody from management. Maybe there should be a group meeting after a termination to re-assure staff.
What are the personnel projections for the next year, in general, it would be good to know. It would be nice to know the levels for staffing levels and projection. If there are redundant positions, it would be nice if they would re-purpose people, it appears that management wanted to get rid of certain people using a semi-loop hole. Site-Wide All-Hands meeting, 10 positions for hiring. It would be good to know what the targets are.
Brenda is going to write a letter to management recommending that management writes letters for those who are retiring, to acknowledge their retirement. At least with a letter, but maybe with a gift as well.
For this next meeting or at the AGM, update from Jim Hanlon on development permits?