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Executive Meeting | September 25, 2012

PSRC Meeting

Friday, September 25th, 2012 at 13:15 in the MOB Boardroom

Present: Stuart Austen, Curtis Ballard, Niki Martin, Brenda Morrey, Colin Morton, and Mike Mouat

Absent: Doug Preddy


The meeting was opened with Stu Austen relaying that he is retiring September 28th, 2012. Therefore, a new chair of the PSRC needs to be identified. It was also announced that Brenda Morrey, the vice-chair of the PSRC, is taking a leave of absence starting mid-October 2012 for eight months. It was indicated that Doug Preddy is interested in chairing the PSRC. The idea was seconded. It was also indicated that Colin Morton may be interested in acting as vice-chair of the PSRC. The idea was seconded.

The next item of business was the topic of the P&S Groups AGM. The last AGM was June 2010. The PSRC agreed that we should organize an AGM in December. This would return to the regular schedule for the AGM. A message announcing the meeting should go out early, so people can plan to attend the meeting, with a full election.

The committee then discussed a few problem areas that should be brought up with management. These include: a problem with ENTEC and the current hiring process and filling full-time. Management is filling positions with temporary positions. Priorities are an issue that should be addressed. The PSRC suggested that they meet with Nigel regarding the frustration of the lab regarding priorities.