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Next Director

On September 3, 2013, Nigel S. Lockyer stepped down as TRIUMF's laboratory director and took on a new role as director of Fermilab, in Batavia, Illinois.

During the transition time, and under the guidance of the TRIUMF Board of Management, an International Search Committee has been formed to seek out and select the best possible candidate to be TRIUMF's next director.  The International Search Committee is charied by Professor Robert "Bob" Kowalewski, professor and chair of physics and astronomy at the University of Victoria.

TRIUMF is Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics.  Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of 18 Canadian universities, the laboratory enables research that benefits every sector of the Canadian science, technology, and innovation enterprise and leads to major advances in subatomic physics, materials science, nuclear medicine, and accelerator physics. TRIUMF also provides unique educational experiences and serves as a vital training ground for university students, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.

TRIUMF seeks a scientist with an extraordinary combination of scientific vision, accomplishment, and leadership to assume responsibility for directing TRIUMF. The successful candidate will demonstrate his or her ability to advance an organization that is recognized nationally and internationally for excellence:

  • Effectively lead overall strategic planning, decision making, and the development of policies and budgets;
  • Provide leadership in determining the scientific direction of the laboratory;
  • Position the laboratory to drive societal and economic benefits for Canada; and

  • Interact with Canadian universities and the physics community in formulating plans and in supporting community priorities.

Comments and expressions of interest should be directed to next-director @


Update - Jonathan A. Bagger selected as Lab Director, see

The successful candidate will demonstrate his or her ability to advance an organization that is recognized nationally and internationally for excellence:


Effectively lead overall strategic planning, decision making, and the development of policies and budgets

·         Provide leadership in determining the scientific direction of the laboratory; and

·         Interact closely with relevant funding agencies and with members of the federal and provincial governments to secure financial support.

·         Define objectives and approve policies for achieving employee and public safety at TRIUMF;

·         Be responsible to the appropriate government agencies for regulatory compliance; and

·         Report to the Board of Management on policy and carry out policy decisions.


Position the laboratory to drive societal and economic benefits for Canada

·         Encourage interaction between TRIUMF researchers and industry to foster innovation and maximize the economic benefits to Canadians; and

·         Promote TRIUMF to the general public.


Interact with Canadian universities and the physics community in formulating plans and in supporting community priorities

·         Facilitate the use of TRIUMF’s infrastructure to support Canadian-led offshore projects; and

·         Develop and maintain contact with other laboratories throughout the world that have common interests.