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Diagnostics Group

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Diagnostics Files

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Opens in Windows Explorer

Access via browser
e.g. Internet Explorer

Log on using your TRIUMF domain account with User in the form of

Diagnostics Meeting Notes

Access via Windows Network - Up to 2010
Opens in Windows Explorer

Access via browser - Up to 2010

Log on using your TRIUMF domain account with User in the form of

Access via browser - 2011 or Later
Log on using your Docushare account


Design Office Drawings

Access via browser
Connects to pdmwviewer
which runs PDM Works remotely

Diagnostics Requests

Access via browser 
Connects to Docushare

Probes Group Manual 

Access via browser 
Connects to Docushare


Cable Data Base

Secure Shell (SSH) to DEVBN2.TRIUMF.CA with Xwindows tunneling enabled
Use your CCS Development Cluster account to log on
To run the program type "CABLES"

Old Diagnostics Request for Service (RFS) data base

Access via browser OLD
Connects to isacwserv
Use your TRIUMF e-mail account to log on, close window first to retry

use Firefox or Safari to avoid login misfires

Probes/Diagnostics Index on Docushare

Access via browser 
Connects to Docushare
guest account


Primary Beamline Multi Wire
Chamber Scans Data Directory

Secure Shell (SSH) to CCSCS2.TRIUMF.CA with Xwindows tunneling enabled

Use your CCS Development Cluster account to log on


Primary Beamlines Wire Scanner
Scans Data Directory

Secure Shell (SSH) to CCSCS2.TRIUMF.CA with Xwindows tunneling enabled
Use your CCS Development Cluster account to log on



Diagnostics Electronics Group Manual 

Access via browser 
Connects to Docushare




E-linac Beamline Diagnostics WBS (Work breakdown structure) Area

access via browser

Login with your Ariel username and password

E-linac Beamline Diagnostics External Design Review

 access via browser

Anyone can read



New Diagnostics Request for Service (RFS) data base

Access via browser NEW
Connects to isacwserv
Use your TRIUMF admin account to log on, close window first to retry




HelpDesk e.g. make requests for help to the Cabling Group
Use your TRIUMF email username (without and password to log on

Beam Development Notes and Schedules

You may have to use your TRIUMF administration system username and password to login

TRIUMF Calibration and Inspection Index

Access via browser
















The SEM and signal plates of an LE tank spill monitor under construction.













Pre-alignment of the 1AM6.6 wire scanner monitor in the Probes lab.