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Current Events Canada and Japan Strengthen Partnership 07 December 2015 On Friday, December 4, the heads of Canada’s TRIUMF and Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, signed a new partnership agreement to significantly enhance research collaborations between the two centres.
Awards & Honours John D’Auria – A Rebel With A Cause 03 December 2015 For his excellence in science, John D’Auria has been invited to be a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the world’s largest association of physicists.
Current Events Michael K. Craddock (1936 – 2015) 16 November 2015 Dr. Michael K. Craddock, a University of British Columbia Professor Emeritus and TRIUMF Research Scientist, passed away on November 11, 2015 at St. John’s Hospice at UBC following a brief illness.
Awards & Honours Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics 09 November 2015 This prize is awarded jointly to the Daya Bay, Kamland, SNO, Super-K, and T2K/K2K collaborations “for the fundamental discovery of neutrino oscillations, revealing a new frontier beyond, and possibly far beyond, the standard model of particle physics.”
Awards & Honours Winning Photographs Revealed 04 November 2015 Congratulations to the Vancouver photographers for their winning photos in TRIUMF’s photo competition, part of the Global Physics Photowalk 2015.
Current Events The Race to Space 03 November 2015 Eight university-student teams in the Canadian Satellite Design Competition return to TRIUMF to test their satellite components in a realistic simulated space setting.
Current Events HALO: Detector of Opportunity 29 October 2015 The international SuperNova Early Warning System (SNEWS) recently welcomed SNOLAB’s Helium and Lead Observatory (HALO) to its global network of neutrino detectors.
Awards & Honours Reflections on the Nobel Prize in Physics 26 October 2015 News that the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Takaaki Kajita (University of Tokyo) and Art McDonald (Queen's University) sparked a day of celebration at the lab. Read on for reflections about TRIUMF's involvement in the SNO experiment.
Current Events Solving Problems, with Ken Buckley 09 October 2015 "The highlight of my career is the project I’m currently working on, having developed another way of making Tc-99m. It’s been pretty exciting to work on something that potentially changes the way the world does business."
From the Director Introducing TRIUMF’s First Deputy Director 30 September 2015 Director Dr. Jonathan Bagger implemented several changes to TRIUMF’s management structure, including naming Dr. Reiner Kruecken, former Head of the Science Division, as TRIUMF’s new - and first ever - Deputy Director. In this interview, we learn more about Reiner and his pth to Deputy Director.


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