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Experimental Result EMMA passes her first test 31 January 2017  In December 2016, EMMA  achieved a major breakthrough when it was tested for the first time with a heavy ion beam.
Experimental Result CERN-TRIUMF collaboration opens new avenues for particle acceleration 23 January 2017 On December 10, 2016, members of the Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN announced a major milestone in the pursuit of a novel particle acceleration method, proton-driven wakefield-based acceleration
Student Stories TRIUMF PhD Student Awarded Marie Curie Fellowship 28 October 2016 Alexander Held is a Physics PhD student at UBC who is a member of the ATLAS group at TRIUMF. He recently began an AMVA4NewPhysics Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher fellowship at CERN. 
Awards & Honours Makoto Fujiwara Elected APS Fellow 19 October 2016 TRIUMF's antihydrogen pioneer recognized for seminal contributions and leadership in trapped antihydrogen research.
Awards & Honours The Makings of a Vanier Scholar 18 October 2016 Sébastien Rettie, UBC doctoral student, is the recipient of the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship which is awarded to exceptional doctoral candidates who demonstrate scholarly excellence and leadership skills. 
Awards & Honours Dilling honoured with APS 2017 Pipkin Award 11 October 2016 On October 11, 2016 the American Physical Society (APS) announced that Jens Dilling, TRIUMF Associate Lab Director for Physical Sciences, has been awarded the 2017 Francis M. Pipkin Award
Student Stories Past and present FYSRE Award winners at TRIUMF 08 September 2016 The First Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE) award in honour of Erich Vogt is a scholarship for students who have completed their first year in University. The 2014  (inaugural) recipient Walter Wasserman and the 2016 recipient Linh Phan were both at TRIUMF this past summer.
University Stories Back to school with TRIUMF and our members 06 September 2016 Throughout the back to school period we invite you to join us in celebrating the power of partnership and take a peek at some of the projects realized through collaborations between TRIUMF and our member universities.
University Stories Symmetry is beauty: TRIUMF’s model detector 03 August 2016 The striking colour and symmetry of DESCANT has made this eye-catching detector a popular draw for photographers and visitors alike throughout the years.
Experimental Result Beta-NMR finds new antiferromagnet behaviour 11 July 2016 Scientists working at the βNMR facility identify a new phenomenom in the near-surface behaviour of an antiferromagnet.


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