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From the Director Dr. Alan Astbury 25 July 2014 Dr. Alan Astbury, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Victoria, died on July 21 following a brief illness.  Alan, a leading figure in Canadian science, served as Director of TRIUMF from 1994-2001. 
Awards & Honours ARIEL Wins Engineering Excellence Award 24 July 2014 Congratulations to the ARIEL team, as well our engineering consultants Stantec Consulting Ltd., Applied Engineering Solutions Ltd. and Bush, Bohlman & Partners Ltd, recipients of the 2013 ACEC-BC’s Engineering Excellence Award of Merit.
Funding Announcements Dark Matter (Detector) Crossing Borders 22 July 2014 The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search is an international experiment on the hunt for dark matter, currently based in Minnesota and with plans to advance the project by building a more sensitive detector at Canada’s SNOLAB.
Current Events SNOLAB Director Nigel Smith Reappointed 21 July 2014 The SNOLAB Institute Board of Directors announced the re-appointment of Dr. Nigel Smith to a second term as Director of SNOLAB, following a very successful inaugural term that resulted in the first scientific results coming from SNOLAB experiments. 

Experimental Result DRAGON Probes Mass Limit in Novae 10 July 2014 Recently, the DRAGON facility ran the highest mass radiative-capture experiment ever performed with a radioactive beam, and in so doing, probed the upper mass limit for nucleosynthesis in novae. 
Current Events Mini-Symposium For Grad & Postdocs 09 July 2014 The Society of Graduate Students and Postdocs organized a mini-symposium on June 13, 2014, to support eight students and postdocs in the preparation of their talks for the 2014 CAP Congress. Over 30 graduate students and postdocs gathered to hear their peers share their work.
Awards & Honours ISAC & ARIEL Reference Book Released 09 July 2014 Scientists involved with radioactive-beam experiments at TRIUMF have a new reference guidebook that will prove to be an invaluable resource. ISAC and ARIEL: The TRIUMF Radioactive Beam Facilities and the Scientific Program contains information about each step of the beam's path and the future of ARIEL.
Experimental Result Accelerators: Potato Chips to Power Plants 07 July 2014 From the low energy electrons in CRT monitors to the tremendous near-light speed protons of the LHC, particle accelerators are everywhere. Accelerators are more commonplace than you might expect, with applications ranging from manufacturing to energy production to agriculture. 
Current Events 700 Cables Pulled Propels E-linac Installation 03 July 2014 1400 cables are needed to bring the e-linac to life this September. Over 60 volunteers from the Science and Accelerator Divisions marked the 700th cable pulled at ARIEL’s Electron Hall. Only 700 more cables to go as we leap toward the Sept 30th goal of beam delivery to the tuning dump!
Current Events Plug Into Our Digital Community 25 June 2014 Be in the know and stay connected with TRIUMF! TRIUMF is offering a “Be our Scientist of the Summer” sweepstakes through Facebook. One fan (and nine friends) of TRIUMF will get an exclusive tour, Q&A with research scientists and a pizza party.


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