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Category Title Date Excerpt Attached Images
Awards & Honours 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics 04 October 2011 The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for observations of distant supernovae. TRIUMF's nuclear astrophysics program contributes to the same core technology.
Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Cosmological Collaborators 04 October 2011 Last week, TRIUMF hosted a meeting of Vancouver's cosmology enthusiasts for an afternoon of collaboration.
Experimental Result BC's World-Class Medical Imaging Scanner 04 October 2011 The efforts of a TRIUMF, UBC, and CFI collaboration have successfully acquired funding for an advanced SPECT-PET-CT scanner.
Current Events Global Particle Physics: Beacons of Discovery 03 October 2011 Scientific leaders release a global vision for the future of particle physics illsutrating the worldwide commitment to revealing the hidden nature of space and time.
Current Events The End of an Era for Fermilab 30 September 2011 To mark the closing of the Tevatron at FermiLab, TRIUMF researchers reflect on the impact the project has had on our understanding of physics.
Experimental Result A Breakthrough for Medical Isotopes? 26 September 2011 A breakthrough study points to cyclotron-based medical isotopes as the solution to recent supply crises.
Current Events Industry Canada Visits TRIUMF & AAPS 22 September 2011 Senior staff from Industry Canada paid TRIUMF a friendly visit on Wednesday and learned about the lab's international and industrial partnerships.
Current Events Which is Faster: Neutrinos or News? 22 September 2011 The Italian OPERA experiment is reporting that neutrinos can break the cosmic speed limit, the speed of light.  But science advances by skepticism, inquiry, and questioning everything—even new results.
Current Events TRIUMF Joins the Fiesta! 16 September 2011 TRIUMF joined in the fiesta last Saturday at the 5th annual Barn Raising on UBC Campus.
Current Events International Investment Team Visits TRIUMF 14 September 2011 Investors from China visited TRIUMF, interested in the leading accelerator technology and the production and application of medical isotopes of our lab.


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