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Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Global Physics Summit 25 February 2013 On Feb 21-22, 2013, TRIUMF hosted an international summit for particle physics.  Directors of the world's leading laboratories assembled to discuss progress and plans as well as to look at opportunities for collaboration and partnership.
Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Cosmological Collaborators 04 October 2011 Last week, TRIUMF hosted a meeting of Vancouver's cosmology enthusiasts for an afternoon of collaboration.
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos 14 June 2004 Explosions lighting up the entire universe, stars ripping themselves apart, and hydrogen bombs which make the military green with envy: all that has created life. More than 250 scientists will be assembling in Vancouver to discuss their latest results about stars and the creation of the elements at Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII.
Current Events TRIUMF Hosts Cisco Systems for Testing Period 16 November 2009 For over a week, Cisco Systems engineers and software specialists occupied the TRIUMF Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) to carry out tests of router systems and related networking equipment.
TRIUMF History
Headlines TRIUMF High School Fellows Launch Careers 12 August 2016 TRIUMF High School Fellows explore their passion for science and engineering with six-week summer research experiences.
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Gets Schooled in Nuclear Structure 08 May 2009 "We are at the end of the beginning. Now begins the middle," said Professor John Wood about the future of nuclear structure physics and his work at TRIUMF. 
Current Events TRIUMF Gets a New Injection Beam Line 16 February 2011 TRIUMF now has a bright, shiny, and new main injection line. The line is used to transport hydrogen ions from the ion source to the centre of the cyclotron. Watch the stop-motion video of the last section being lowered.
Current Events TRIUMF from a Student's Eye-View 14 July 2009 As a pilot for TRIUMF's emerging Aboriginal youth research initiative, 17-year old Dylon Martin will spend 6 weeks immersing himself in the workings of the lab & sharing his weekly reflections on the web.


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