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Category Title Date Excerpt Attached Images
Current Events What I've learned at TRIUMF 05 August 2011 At the 11th Annual Summer Student Symposium, 23 undergraduate students shared what they have learned during their summer at TRIUMF.
Student Stories Gabriel's Notebook: Week 3 - TIGRESS 03 August 2011 This week at TIGRESS, Gabriel helped Greg make a mask for the detector and had a film crew follow him around.
Awards & Honours UBC's Simon Viel is 2011 Vanier Scholar 03 August 2011 This year, Simon Viel is one of Canada's Vanier Scholarship winners for his research with the ATLAS detector.
Current Events Summer BBQ: Of Hot Dogs & Isotopes 29 July 2011 The TRIUMF summer BBQ had beautiful weather, some "egg-cellent" events, and an inaugural elevator ride!
Experimental Result Data Galore for HERACLES 27 July 2011 The heavy-ion isotope experiment finished a successful run in July, leaving the team with an abundance of data to analyze.
Student Stories Gabriel's Notebook: Week 2 - OLIS 27 July 2011 During his second week here, high school student Gabriel learns more about how experiments are interconnected at the lab.
Student Stories The Future for IRIS is Bright 27 July 2011 Saint Mary's University is working full-bore to get the IRIS project up and running, planned for ISAC-II in 2012.
Current Events TRIUMF Aids in Increasing Tc-99m Supply 22 July 2011 TRIUMF's Tom Ruth and Tom Morley are hoping to help increase the production of Tc-99m through accelerator-based technologies.
Experimental Result ATLAS Scientists Press into Terra Incognita 21 July 2011 Summer physics conferences mean new physics results; Canadians involved in ATLAS share a rich panopoly of progress at the EPS conference this week.
Student Stories Gabriel's Notebook: Week 1 - DRAGON 20 July 2011 Emerging scholar (and high-school student) shares first-week impressions of TRIUMF.


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