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Experimental Result the Higgs... 03 July 2012 The hunt for the Higgs closes in! Stop by TRIUMF on Wed morning, July 4, to meet BC scientists and students and learn about the new Higgs results.
. Abhishek
*Stephanie Lyons
'New Student' Information
Current Events $30.7M Supports World Class Isotope Research 22 June 2010 A $30.7-million provincial investment in TRIUMF is expected to help lead the way in alleviating future medical isotope shortages, while keeping B.C. and Canada at the forefront of particle and nuclear physics, Premier Gordon Campbell announced today.
#discoverTHIS on Oct 14
Current Events "Blackberry" Inventor Invests in Theoretical Physics (again) 09 June 2008 The Canadian who invented the Blackberry has a soft spot for physics. Mike Lazaridis, who made a fortune developing the BlackBerry handheld device, is donating another $50 million to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics located in North Waterloo, Ontario.
Experimental Result "An Exciting Time for Antihydrogen Physics!" 11 February 2010 TRIUMF scientists contributed to two recently published papers which set out to explore a new regime in trap physics using the Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA).
Experimental Result TRIUMF joins forces with Saint Mary's University to characterize the nuclear force 30 June 2017  A research paper published in Physical Review Letters is offering new insight into unraveling the mysteries of the strong nuclear force


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