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Current Events Nobel Laureate Gives Saturday Morning Lecture 18 February 2008 UBC Professor Carl Wieman, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Physics, held his audience in rapt attention during the February 8th Saturday Morning Lecture.
Current Events TRIUMF Partners with “Virtual Researcher on Call” 18 February 2008 TRIUMF, Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, is pleased to announce a partnership with Virtual Researcher On Call (VROC).
Current Events TRIUMF Policy and Planning Advisory Committee Formed 18 February 2008 TRIUMF is owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of seven Canadian universities together with six associate members. To assist TRIUMF in identifying the most promising directions for pursuit, the Board of Management has created a Policy and Planning Advisory Committee (PPAC).
Awards & Honours TRIUMF Selected by Government of Canada as Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research 14 February 2008 The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry, today announced $163 million to establish 11 new Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CECRs).
Current Events UBC Science Journalism Students Visit TRIUMF 24 January 2008 Eight students from the Science Journalism program at the UBC School of Journalism visited TRIUMF on January 21, 2008.
Current Events An Open Letter to the Broader TRIUMF Community 21 January 2008 Since the 1990s, TRIUMF has secured its operating funds through a 5-year contribution agreement with National Research Council Canada. The present cycle ends in 2010 and efforts to develop the plan for the 2010-2015 are well underway.
Current Events TRIUMF Featured on 16 January 2008 The global, perhaps even stellar, significance of TRIUMF’s nuclear astrophysics program was featured on’s Cosmic Log on January 4, 2008, in an article by renowned science journalist Alan Boyle.
Current Events Two of TRIUMF’s Own Deliver Saturday Morning Lectures 16 January 2008 On the morning of Saturday, January 12, 2008, 56 high school students and a dozen adults gathered in the TRIUMF auditorium to peer into the future of particle physics and to consider the nature of science in general.
Current Events Scientists and Engineers Encourage Urban Growth 14 January 2008 “It is not just the prevalence of university graduates in a city that has a defining impact on the growth in employment, but their mix as well,” says the new StatsCan cities and growth report: Scientists and Engineers and Urban Growth (January 8, 2008).
Current Events TRIUMF Statement on Chalk River Developments 13 December 2007 Canadian expertise in nuclear science and technology is in high demand when it comes to producing radioisotopes for medical purposes. As the recent events in Chalk River have shown, the world depends upon Canada for these capabilities.


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