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Current Events Oliver Stelzer-Chilton Elected to IPP Council 06 July 2012 TRIUMF Research Scientist, Oliver Stelzer-Chilton, was recently elected as a council member of the Insitute of Particle Physics.
Current Events Of Transformations and Translations... 21 December 2011 Working with students from Emily Carr, TRIUMF's Artists in Residence piloted a project that started with a physics lecture, went through four artistic transformations, and then returned to inspire physicists.
Workshops & Conferences Nuclear-Energy Experts Assemble in Vancouver 06 May 2010 About forty members of the Generation-IV Interational Forum Policy Group (hailing from thirteen different countries) visited TRIUMF on Tuesday for a tour before meeting to discuss the future of nuclear power.
Workshops & Conferences Nuclear Structure Workshop at TRIUMF 28 February 2014 From February 18-21, TRIUMF’s Theory Group hosted the Nuclear Structure and Reactions: Experimental and Ab Initio Theoretical Perspectives workshop. Forty scientists gathered to share their latest results, exchange new ideas, and establish new collaborations.
Awards & Honours NSERC Discovery Grant for Isotopes 19 September 2014 Iris Dillmann, a research scientist at TRIUMF, was awarded a five-year NSERC Individual Discovery Grant to support her research of neutron-rich exotic isotopes titled “Beta-delayed neutron measurements for nuclear astrophysics.”
Awards & Honours NSERC Brockhouse Prize For CycloMed99 17 February 2015 For their outstanding teamwork in realizing a solution for safe and reliable medical isotope production for hospitals in Canada, the CycloMed99 team will be receiving a prestigious national award in Ottawa today.
Current Events Novel radiochemistry technique opens door to new PET imaging agents 20 June 2017 A team of researchers led by SFU scientists Matthew Nodwell, Robert Britton and TRIUMF scientists Hua Yang and Paul Schaffer has demonstrated a new method for producing radiotracers.
Current Events Nobel Laureate Visits TRIUMF 17 December 2012 Dr. Wineland visited TRIUMF in October as part of a trip to Vancouver where he met with collaborators and colleagues.
Current Events Nobel Laureate Gives Saturday Morning Lecture 18 February 2008 UBC Professor Carl Wieman, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Physics, held his audience in rapt attention during the February 8th Saturday Morning Lecture.
From the Director Nigel Lockyer to be Next Fermilab Director 20 June 2013 TRIUMF's Director, Nigel Lockyer has been selected to become the next director of Fermliab in the U.S. He will be stepping into this new role in the autumn. 


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