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Workshops & Conferences Workshop on Coulomb Excitation Techniques 24 June 2011 Just over 20 partcipants came together to learn and practice techniques in Coulomb excitation with radioactive beams.
Workshops & Conferences Workshop on Ultra Cold Neutrons Attracts International Experts 21 September 2007 Many years after the last neutrons from the TRIUMF 4C neutron beam passed down the collimator, scientists are considering bringing back neutrons to the Proton Hall, albeit some fifteen orders of magnitude lower in energy.
World Year of Physics 2005
World's Largest Machine begins Epic Scientific Journey
Research Highlights World-Record Energy Collisions Achieved at LHC 09 December 2009 Canadian scientists who helped design, build, and commission the LHC and ATLAS detector are celebrating record-breaking reactions, made possible by the LHC achieving energies never before reached by man.
Experimental Result X-Ray Laser Penetrates Stellar Mystery 13 December 2012 Experimental work from TRIUMF fed into a U.S. DOE experiment that has shed light on the role of highly-charged iron isotopes in stellar evolution.
Xavier Bazier-Matte
Xesus Pereira Lopez


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