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TRIUMF hosts KEK symposium December 14-15, 2017

18 December 2017

Members of TRIUMF and KEK (Japan's High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation) convened at TRIUMF on December 14th for the TRIUMF-KEK Scientific Symposium. Communities from both labs, including researchers, students, communicators, and lab directors Dr. Jonathan Bagger and Dr. Masanori Yamuchi, convened to discuss progress and goals in shared research pursuits and to celebrate ongoing collaborations. The symposium comprised both plenary and parallel sessions, providing opportunities for TRIUMF and KEK to enrich collaborations among their domain experts and to share new insights on a wide range of topics with the broader group. Lab colleagues also joined to celebrate the opening of the new KEK office at TRIUMF with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, seen above. 

View photos here.