Contribution Agreement from Treasury Board via National Research Council Canada
In Particle Physics, TRIUMF will support the Canadian community in alignment with the subatomic physics Long Range Plan. In particular, TRIUMF will support extracting and analyzing the physics from the T2K experiment in Japan and the ATLAS and ALPHA experiments at CERN. TRIUMF will complete the installation and commissioning of the UCN source at TRIUMF.
In Nuclear Physics, TRIUMF will support the Canadian and international community in alignment with the subatomic physics Long Range Plan. In particular, TRIUMF will exploit its rare-isotope beam capabilities from the ISAC targets and carry out first experiments with rare-isotope beams from the e-linac. TRIUMF will also complete the upgrade of the GRIFFIN spectrometer.
In Nuclear Medicine, TRIUMF will support the Canadian and international community in developing new technologies, new medical isotopes and new applications in nuclear medicine, molecular imaging and radionuclide therapy. In particular, TRIUMF will produce and develop radiopharmaceuticals for the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, as well as create and deliver medical isotopes for research with the British Columbia Cancer Agency. In addition, TRIUMF will continue to develop and commercialize its proprietary processes for the cyclotron-based production of Tc-99m.
In Materials and Molecular Science, TRIUMF will support the scientific community and, in particular, make the M9 muon channel operational again, and expand the betaNMR program with beams from the e-linac.
With respect to the Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory (ARIEL), the ARIEL-II project will enable:
- Delivery of e-linac-driven rare isotope beam for the betaNMR program;
- Delivery of e-linac-driven rare isotope beam from photofission on actinide targets; and
- Installation and commissioning of the CANREB infrastructure.