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Procedures for TRIUMF Scientific Visitors to visit TRIUMF

edited: July 2024

Visitor Authorization (or re-initiation of expired Visitor Authorization)

  1. A new Visitor, or a prior Visitor whose authoization has expired, must  request an invitation from their TRIUMF Host via email well in advance of their next antiicapted visit to TRIUMF.
    • n.b. Expired authorizations cannot be extended. A new authorization must be requested.
  2. The TRIUMF Host may liaise with TRIUMF Human Resources about the proposed visit:
    • if the proposed Visitor is travelling to TRIUMF on a foreign passport, the proper immigration processing procedures must be followed
    • if the proposed Visitor is travelling to TRIUMF for any purpose other than their own scholarly research (including thesis work), then the proper status of the Visitor must be determined and appropriate proceudres followed.
  3. TRIUMF Host invites Visitor via the visitor management system (VMS) and specifies the TRIUMF facility that the Visitor will be visiting.
    • TRIUMF Host can enable visitors that are Team Leaders to invite their subordinates. These subordinates will be hosted by the same TRIUMF Host.
  4. Visitor receives email about obtaining TRIUMF electronic identity (TRIDENT) and setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access TRIUMF's Workday system, as well as a request to fill out personal information using the visitors app interface.
    • n.b. The visitor's TRIDENT account will not be activated until at most 28 days prior to the start of their visit authorization. i.e.  visitors will not be able to access Workday, etc, more than 4 weeks from the start of their visit authorization.
    • It is important that the personal information step be completed well in advance of the visit

  5. Visitor is informed about compulsory training requirements via e-mail

  6. Visitor takes online training as required, which consists of compulsory training (see below) PLUS additional training defined by the facility being visited
    • "Electronic Only" (no visits to TRIUMF) visitors have no compulsory training requirements
    • Visitors requesting "Main Office Building (MOB)-only" or "Full Access" are required to take the compulsory training at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the visit.
    • Other online training specific to the Facility and the visitor's activities (e.g. Calibration Sources, Personnel Alarms)
      • Visitor is to consult their local TRIUMF Host for any additional training requirements

  7. Access card and radiation badge (if required) are prepared by TRIUMF only once compulsory training is completed

  8. Visitor arrives at TRIUMF
    • Facility Coordinator or alternate provides other facility-specific in-person training as required (e.g. Exclusion Areas)

  9. Visitor departs
    • Access card gets deactivated and radiation badge is pulled from the entrance racks.

 Visitor returning for new site visit (within an active authorization period)

  1. Authorized Visitor returning to TRIUMF initiates new site visits by logging into the VMS and registers a new site visit period (with updated purpose of visit and facility)
    • Visitors with Electronic Only authorization who now wish to visit the site must ask their TRIUMF Host to make start a new visit authorization with full site access in the VMS and cancelling the old authorization by setting an end date before the start date of the new authorization. 

  2. TRIUMF Host is informed about the visit via e-mail and reviews (and adjusts info in VMS if needed) 

  3. Training Requirements are defined by the facility being visited, and the Visitor consults with their Host, who may in turn consult with the corresponding Facility Coordinator about any additional training requirements.
  4. Access card and radiation badge (if required) are prepared by TRIUMF only once compulsory training is up to date

  5. Visitor arrives
    • Facility Coordinator or alternate provides other facility-specific in-person training as required (e.g. Exclusion Areas)

  6. Visitor departs
    • Access card gets deactivated and radiation badge is pulled out.

For regular but infrequent Visitors that require continuous computing access, the Visitor status stays active for the period identified in the initial authorization.

The access card and radiation badge are only provided for in-person visits, for which the process above applies.

The following information is part of the procedure included in the VMS, but is described in more detail here.

Safety & Training

All Visitors requesting an access card and radiation badge are required to watch the on-line Safety Orientation that introduces employees to some of the major safety concerns and procedures at TRIUMF. It is mandatory that Visitors of, and contractors to, TRIUMF view this lesson once every 3 years. The link to this course is also provided in the email generated when the TRIUMF Host invites the visitor through the Visitor App.

All Visitors requesting an access card and radiation badge are also required to complete the  Basic Radiation Protection Training, which is an online course.

In addition, Visitors whose stay at TRIUMF lasts longer than 30 days are required to complete additional training on the Code of Conduct, Bullying and Harassment, and Privacy.


No unsupervised access to the site is allowed (i.e. no access card nor radiation badge will be assigned) without first completing the Site Safety Orientation and Basic Radiation Protection Training.  This must be done at least 2 weeks prior to coming to TRIUMF.

Depending on the nature of the experiment, additional safety training will be required, for example, if you are working with lasers or if you are identified as a nuclear energy worker. Additional training will be identified by the Facility Coordinator for the facility you plan on visiting.  You should consult the Facility Coordinator of the facility being visited to obtain a list of training requirements which can be fulfilled by taking online training or in person training after arrival.  If your visit requires that you access an exclusion area, you will need to complete the online Personnel Safety Alarms training and meet with the Facility Coordinator to carry out Exclusion Area Training which will review the specifics for the area you will be working in.

In addition to site safety, please refer to the personal safety document for information about other safety concerns.


Security Access Cards

Please note that security access cards are required for access to the TRIUMF site.

These are issued by the Visitor Coordinator at reception during business hours between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

All Experimenters/Visitors to TRIUMF will be required to have an access card. Those visitors who will be at TRIUMF in excess of three weeks, or who are on-going or frequently returning, are required to have their picture on the access card. Those who are here for a shorter length of time will not require a photo card, but will instead be issued a plain visitor access card.

On arrival both short-term and long-term visitors will be issued a temporary access card that is also available after hours from the control room. Long-term visitors are to use this card until they have been issued their own personalized access card.

In order to be issued an access card, all visitors must have:

  • Completed the online safety orientation and basic radiation training video.
  • Completed the information and any other trainingrequested in the email sent from the Visitor App.

PLEASE NOTE: Access cards will not be issued without the appropriate process being followed and all required information collected.

Upon leaving TRIUMF, temporary access cards must be returned to reception, and if leaving after hours, they should be left in a locked drop-off box that is located in the reception area. Cards will be deactivated on your last day at TRIUMF.


Radiation Badge

If you will be accessing our gated facility you will be required to wear a radiation dosimeter. Our Dosimetry service provides the legally required radiation monitoring of individuals who may be occupationally exposed to radiation. These individuals may be Visitors of the facility, general visitors, staff, students or contractors.

In order to obtain either a short-term or long term dosimeter visitors must have:

  • Completed the online safety orientation and basic radiation training video.
  • Completed the information requested in the email  sent from the Visitor App.