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Calculator of 1-MeV equivalent neutron fluences

1-MeV-neutron equivalent fluence calculatorThe 1-MeV-neutron equivalent fluence for exposures of silicon components on the beamlines of PIF & NIF is calculated on this page using the method outlined in the ASTM E722-14 standard. The energy-dependent dose damage ratio data used in the calculation is as compiled by A. Vasilescu and G. Lindstroem and shown in this figure:

Curve of dose damage ratio for neutrons as a function of energy

The full data tables and original figures are available at:

Select the beamline spectrum to use for the calculation:

Select the neutron energy range to use in the calculation:

What was the total fluence of >10 MeV neutrons delivered on the beamline during irradiation? n/cm² for neutrons with energy >10 MeV.