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Current Events “Party at the Point” UBC Alumni Weekend 2010 26 May 2010 On May 28- 30, UBC is inviting alumni, friends, and family to join the festivities to celebrate Alumni Weekend — including a tour of the physics powerhouse on south campus, TRIUMF.
Current Events Go Physics! Engaging Local Students at TRIUMF 24 May 2010 Thirty young, bright students have been invited to TRIUMF to take part in Go Physics! This is a one day camp initiated by Perimeter Institute to engage students in hands‐on labs and challenges in thinking like a physicist.
Experimental Result Organosilicon Chemistry Secrets Unlocked 19 May 2010 Landmark results of new and exciting organosilicon chemistry possible because two highly specialized expert groups collaborated their talent to conduct research.
Awards & Honours CERC Chair at UBC Builds on Molecular Imaging 17 May 2010 Dr. Mathew Farrer is the UBC inaugural Canada Excellence Research Chair in neurogenetics and translational neuroscience---areas of research driven forward by TRIUMF's supply of innovative imaging agents using medical isotopes.
Workshops & Conferences Nuclear-Energy Experts Assemble in Vancouver 06 May 2010 About forty members of the Generation-IV Interational Forum Policy Group (hailing from thirteen different countries) visited TRIUMF on Tuesday for a tour before meeting to discuss the future of nuclear power.
Experimental Result Accelerators Could Help with Nuclear Waste 22 April 2010 What does the International Linear Collider have in common with environmental protection? The answer: superconducting accelerator cavities.
Awards & Honours CAP Award for Excellence in Teaching Physics 19 April 2010 Phil Freeman, teacher at Richmond Secondary School, is awarded the first ever CAP High School Physics Teacher Award for the BC region for his contributions to physics education. Congratulations!
Current Events International Workshop on Ion Trapping and Stopping 14 April 2010 TRIUMF and Stanford University organized the 10th international workshop which explored techniques and topics related to Stopping and Manipulation of Ions.
Current Events Canada Commits to Medical Isotopes 14 April 2010 The Government of Canada released its "Response to the Report of the Expert Review Panel on Medical-Isotope Production."  TRIUMF is positioned to play a major role with cyclotrons and linear accelerators.
Awards & Honours Queen's University Art McDonald Wins Killam Prize 13 April 2010 Dr. Art McDonald was among five recipients of the 2010 Killam Prize, one of Canada's most prestigious awards for outstanding career achievements.  TRIUMF works with Dr. McDonald on the SNO project.


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